The term firewall is originated in the mid 1800s to describe special fire resistant wall used to section off the warehouses and slow the spread of fires. Also, it’s been used in automobiles, segregating the passenger and engine compartments. The idea of internet firewalls come on November 2, 1988 when Peter Yee at the NASA Ames Research Center sent a note out to the TCP/IP Internet mailing list that reported, "We are currently under attack from an Internet VIRUS! It has hit Berkeley, UC San Diego, Lawrence Livermore, Stanford, and NASA Ames." This virus called later the Morris Worm. So now, the researchers and the organizations which were going to use the internet came together to overcome this problem and prevent and future attacks or disruptions. All these attacks raised the awareness of network security and the firewalls technology started to have rapid evolution. The first network firewalls appeared in the late 1980s and it used to separate a network into smaller LANs. It used to limit problems in one LAN from having an affect in the whole network. The first security firewalls were used in the early 1990s and they were IP routers with filtering rules. The second one was called bastion hosts and it was the first commercial firewall, which used filters and proxies, built by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Later, DEC developed other
firewall products such as DEC SEAL (for Secure External Access Link) and ANS
InterLock. And here an illustration of the DEC SEAL-first commercial firewall. |